
The Environmental Preservation Committee monitors environmental issues, organizes environmental initiatives, and makes recommendations for action to the CIDNA Board of Directors.

Current activities include: gardening at Park Siding Park, Cedar Lake South Beach improvements, restoration of the Cedar Lake South Point natural area, and monitoring planning related to neighborhood and regional parks.

The committee meets on the third Wednesday of most months. For more information about the Environmental Preservation Committee, please send an email to: info@cidna.org.

Chair: currently open

Park Stewardship

Our commitment to care for CIDNA-area parks includes:

  • Gardening at Park Siding Park, usually second Saturday of the month
  • Cedar South Beach, usually second Saturday of the month

Community Engagement

With Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Planners.

  • MPRB Cedar-Isles Master Plan — Active project, 20-plus-year plan for the lakes, surrounding parkland and Dean Parkway. CIDNA is advocating for improved water quality.
  • Southwest Service Area Master Plan — 2020 planning project for neighborhood parks (Chowen Triangle, Park Siding Park, St Louis Triangle, West End Triangle
  • CIDNA’s response to MPRB’s Southwest Area Master Plan
