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Jones Harrison Commity Center

NRP Funds Reallocation

As you may know from recent board meetings, CIDNA would like to reallocate some of our City funds from the Housing line item to the Administrative Support line item. This is an acceptable approach for any neighborhood organization to take, and also necessary in order to fund the operations of CIDNA.

The city of Minneapolis holds funds on behalf of CIDNA that we use in line with a previous community-approved plan. To move these funds to a new strategy (from housing to administration) requires notification to the community and a vote of the board of directors. You can read more about how City funding of neighborhood organizations works here. You can also see a breakdown of all the historic funding from the city to CIDNA here.

Proposed board action:
CIDNA will move $25,000 of our excess funds from housing to Administrative Support to pay for staffing and other administrative expenses required to run our organization.

If you have any thoughts, comments or questions, reach out to us at by October 22.

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